The Most necessary Toys and Whatnot
it is true you don't need a lot of toys. In fact, too many can make for extra work. The number one reason people buy a toy is because it delights their heart to see the Weim with that toy. It is a sad fact that many of these purchase come to a quick end. They can be shredded within moments of the presentation.
The Puppy needs a few basics no matter what. They will chew on everything. They need the right things on which to do their teething--that should always be something other than you and your clothing. Anything that shows signs of wear or that quickly disposed of should be eliminated. Toys with squeakers and stuffing should be closely supervised. Some Weims may be allowed more freedom than others; however, you don't want to risk them ingesting pieces, the squeaker, or the stuffing and having a bowel obstruction. |
The Must-Have Basic Chews
The leather chew (like anything the pup uses) require supervision. These are best used with a young pup. They come in various shapes. The trick is getting them to opt for this over the things you would rather they didn't select. Of the ones listed here, the bone is the most durable. Nonetheless, the little points and edges may be what entices the pup to use it.
The pig ear option is something to consider. There are some risks (even with the made in USA ears). Here is an excerpt from Foster and Smith's