It is easy to understand why the ear canal can be a trouble spot. Some Weimaraners develop a chronic ear issue. Proper ear care will go a long way toward preventing such an issue. Nonetheless, the flop ear covers the ear canal setting up the right atmosphere to accommodate a bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection.
Quite possibly the Vetericyn Ear rinse might be the ideal choice for your first line of defense. It works on all three ear health threats. Of course, the diet is important--grain-free diets are the best. It is important to remember that treats count as part of the diet. Tips from Cliff and ShelaBathing and ear cleaning should be done as needed. Cliff says over cleaning can kill the natural ability to fight off infection. Unless your Weimaraner has a chronic ear issue you should clean the ears once or twice a month.
You will want to go outdoors. Grab them by the collar with one hand and do all of this with your dominant hand. The best way to clean an ear is to squirt a little of the ear rinse into the ear canal and then flop the ear over it; massage the fluid in the ear canal and then let them shake the fluid out. Once they have the shaking done (get them by the collar again). Take a cosmetic round flat pad and wipe the outer ear. If there are some wax chunks you need to remove them using a Q-tip; however, you want to be very careful about pushing the wax further into the ear. Note: Remember you are dealing with the Weimaraner. If you feel badly about cleaning their ears it will most likely become a battle for life. Keep in mind and heart this needs done and we are doing it--faster is preferred by all who are involved. Beyond Cleaning the earsPrevention is the main goal. If you are out swimming, there is a good chance moisture may have gotten trapped in the ear. One thing you can do is to use some ear powder. It will work as a drying agent and help prevent a potential opportunity from turning into an infection.
Ear mites can be an issue. If you are doing the normal ear care and find a problem that seems to be getting worse--dark waxy discharge, scratching the ears, or shaking the head, you need to have your vet culture the ear discharge and diagnose the problem. Store brand yogurt with live cultures can help with a potential yeast problem. A couple of tablespoons stirred into the food is generally accepted. Some Weims love the yogurt so much--you can feed it as a snack on a lettuce leaf or directly from the spoon. Vanilla, Strawberry, or Boysenberry are often a favorite; however many Weimaraners will accept the unflavored yogurt. OTC Products that Work well |
Zymox Ear Solution with Hydrocortisone is great for the Weimaraner that has ongoing itchy ears. You may never need this product but if you do it can save you a lot of money. Most of you will never had a pregnant female but it should be noted that this is not safe for them. Zymox makes the same product hydrocortisone-free; however, more often than not, a person will need the one with the hydrocortisone.