Airline Puppy Carryon
Some airlines have new regulations for puppy carry on
Bringing the puppy home on the airplane in a carrier can be a great experience. The first thing the pup learns is to settle in this bag. The bag in the photo is the traditional Large (sometimes called the Deluxe) Sherpa Bag. Some airlines will only allow you the small or medium-sized bag. The pup in this bag is on Shela's lap during the car trip to the airport. It is eight-weeks-old. It is important to understand that this pup (with its head sticking out of the bag) is laying down. To zip the bag, they have to lay their head down inside the bag too. It is not a problem; however, this makes it clear how quickly they will outgrow the bag. A few eight-week pups may fit into the medium bag, but it is oh so preferable to get the largest Sherpa.
Sherpa makes all kind of bags. Nevertheless, OwyheeStar prefers the one pictured here. The top unzips as does the end of the bag. These two features can serve a number of purposes. First, when riding on your lap, it is nice to be able to unzip the top. On some airplanes, people have been able to open the top during the flight. Secondly, this is the easiest way to get the pup out of the bag. Finally, the end that opens can be really handy. A person can put the bag on the bed and open it ever so slightly and slide their hand in and comfort the pup. The Sherpa can be used as their first crate. The Carry only works for a puppy that is approximately eight weeks old--they outgrow the carry size after that. |
Things to Keep in mind